Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting Ready to Leave

Well, I leave in less than three days. I've been picking up my house, studying French, and generally just getting ready to go. I am pretty sick of doing laundry at this point. I will try to add another post before I leave, but if I don't get to it, wish me luck!


  1. Patrick, I just looked at your blog. You must be on your way by now. I would like you to have a wonderful cup of cafe' on the Champs E'lyesee (sp)at an outdoor cafe and also a wonderful glass of wine for me. Thanks and hope your flight was ok. Love, Ann and Dave

  2. hope your flight goes well and look forward to reading posts!

  3. Patrick,

    Both your dad and I are very excited for you. It was so nice to hear your voice this morning. I'm glad the flight was nice and that your journey was uneventful. Try to get caught up on some sleep, so you're ready for tomorrow and the next four months!!! Love you.


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