Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few pictures

Bonjour à tous. So I still haven't had a chance to upload any of my pictures. Sorry. But, here are a few that other people have taken of me. I hope this helps you get by until you can see my pics.

So here's the Louvre on a Friday night. This is one of their indoor sculpture gardens.

And here's me standing in front of the gardens at the Palace of Versailles. Apparently they're even more impressive when there are flowers and the fountains are turned on, but I still enjoyed it.

 And here's me (in the back left corner) hanging out with some of my friends from my program on Thanksgiving Day.

And finally, here I am with some of my friends from my program going to get cafeteria food for dinner. We jokingly call it the homeless shelter. The food's not great, but the price can't be beat (it's only 2.90 € for the student meal, that's the equivilent of 4.27 US dollars).

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